For thousands of years, nomadic people have used triangles to create strong and flexible structures. The secret of their strength is in how they handle the load. A triangle shape allows the force applied to the top to travel down each leg and end in the ground.
Nomadic cultures from Mongolia to Scandinavia to the great plains of the United States have used this shape to create their homes. Whether it’s called a Chum, Lavva, or a Tipi, this shape represents strength and flexibility.
With Bijou, we quickly realized that this shape would be easy to assemble, easy to disassemble and super strong. All combined, these features make for a new way to play and a new way to think about how we interact with our play structures.
Just as traditional structures gave the people who used them the freedom of movement, Bijou offers the same for families all over the world.
Our colors and pantones were inspired by various pieces of modern art. We think outside of the box and are inspired by others that do so. ‘
Our biggest inspiration has been watching our children. We believe in open ended creative play. We believe that kids should be allowed to interact with their environment and use their imaginations in play.
Bijou is purposely open ended and is meant to create a space for kids minds to wander and wonder.
Lastly, we are inspired by nature. Here in coastal Maine, our connection with nature is our inspiration for how we want to live our lives. We want families to be outside as much as possible and we believe that Bijou will offer a space for play and connection.
We can't wait to see what inspires you